UMS SEJATI (kembara) is one of the cocuriculum choice laa,sincerely i'm choosing ums sejati bcuz there is NO OTHER choices ba...there is only UMS SEJATI , PALAPES ,and SUKSIS left...huhuh I don't want to be a PALAPES or SUKSIS...they r oweys busy....then have to kawad lagi....OH NO....! sOOO...i decided to choose kembara laa...sounds more interesting rite...I have to take this course for 3 semester...have to attend lecture every saturday...9.00a.m to 12.00p.m..hmmmm so far the activities was soo exciting although it make me feel sooooooooo tired....tapi tu laa kembara kan..our first activity is camping at UMS ODEC.erkkk outdoor development ...centre hahah can't remember wut...heee yg penting there a camp site in front or the sea...there a pinball site...kesimpulannya lengkap r klu nak wat aktiviti... flying fox pon ade...xsangka gak ak sbenarnya...hehehe later i'll blog bout our camping...for now i would like to share about our 2nd activity which is hiking or climbing...for the begining we r just climd up to UMS

nothing interesting just getting more closer with nature and up there have a very beautiful view laa...can see the kota kinabalu city from there...the blue ocean an ships....I think tu laa kelebihn nya...hee see isn't it beautiful..... ^_^
skema ja kan berbaris...hahah but it was sooooo tiring...we have been walking from the DKP3(dwan kuliah pusat)..almost 300m before we start hiking...thank God i brought a bottle of water that day...bcuz I never expect that place will be that high and that far....huhu

memang mencabar stamina tol...hikhik
seeee......curam kan....bukan ni ja taw...huhuu thats why laa i said it sooo tiring...use a lot of energy to climb up kan...
this was wat happen when we arrived at UMS PEAK...^_^ maseng2 kluarkan payung and santai.......menikmati keindahan alam semula jadi....took pictures... actually we oso waiting for two other members yg ketinggalan jauh d blakang sebab dtg lambat..
salah sorg nya c kim...hahah kesian bjalan solo2...
after two of them arrived,and attendence a taken kami pon gerak laa tuk turun...poor too kim laa...hahahah baru jew nak rehat dah kena turun lak.....huahuahua
wutever it is....bEst jugaK laaa....k laaa out....
i'll write more kembara's activity...sooo wait....we r planning to go to BANJARAN KROKER..
just wait yaa....